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Ask your administrator if you think this is wrong. ~~META: title =Нулевые клиенты Wyse P20 и Leadtek VP200P~~ {{description>Нулевые клиенты Wyse P20 и Leadtek VP200P, покупка нулевых клиентов, Wyse★Конфигуратор ★Сценарии лицензирования ★Прайс-Лист VMware ★}} {{keywords>VMware Wyse P20 Wyse C50LE HP t5565z Teradici Horizo купить}} {{htmlmetatags>metatag-robots=(Index, follow) metatag-keywords=(VMware Wyse P20 Wyse C50LE HP t5565z Teradici Horizo купить) metatag-description=(Нулевые клиенты Wyse P20 и Leadtek VP200P, покупка нулевых клиентов, Wyse★Конфигуратор ★Сценарии лицензирования ★Прайс-Лист VMware ★) metatag-media-og:image=(:using-vmware:vmware_vir2.jpg?nolink&300|VMware Tools) metatag-og:description=(Нулевые клиенты Wyse P20 и Leadtek VP200P, покупка нулевых клиентов, Wyse★Конфигуратор ★Сценарии лицензирования ★Прайс-Лист VMware ★) metatag-og:any=(VMware Wyse P20 Wyse) }} <html> <head itemscope itemtype=""> <title itemprop="headline">Нулевые клиенты Wyse P20 и Leadtek VP200P</title> <meta itemprop="description" name="description" content="Нулевые клиенты Wyse P20 и Leadtek VP200P, покупка нулевых клиентов, Wyse★Конфигуратор ★Сценарии лицензирования ★Прайс-Лист VMware ★"> <meta itemprop="keywords" name="keywords" content="VMware Wyse P20 Wyse C50LE HP t5565z Teradici Horizo купить"> </head> </html> <html> <div itemscope="itemscope" itemtype=""> <span itemprop="name">V-GRADE</span> <div itemprop="address" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype=""> <span itemprop="streetAddress">ул.Толстого, 3</span> <span itemprop="postalCode">140072</span> <span itemprop="addressLocality">Россия, Московская обл., г.Люберцы</span> </div> <span itemprop="telephone">+7 (495) 662-58-98</span> <span itemprop="email"></span> </div> </html> ====== Нулевые клиенты Wyse P20 и Leadtek VP200P ====== \\ Мы продолжаем тестировать тонкие клиенты. В прошлый раз мы [[:thin-client-comparison|сравнивали Wyse P20, Wyse C50LE, HP t5565z]]. На этот раз кандидаты из одной весовой категории. \\ Сравнивать мы их не будем, поскольку отличий, кроме цвета и цены, откровенно говоря, не нашли. \\ Единственное, мы, как и в прошлый раз [[:#видео-тесты|прогнали на каждом из них видео]]. \\ Вывод из видео тестов такой: если бы мы перепутали видео и подписи местами - никто бы не обиделся. \\ Качество отображения видео при настройках по умолчанию у этих устройств одинаковое.\\ \\ * [[:vmware-pcoip|Нулевые и тонкие клиенты PCoIP]] \\ ===== Описание Wyse P20 (и Leadtek VP200P) ===== И тот и другой клиент является нулевым. Построены они на базе одного и того же чипа Teradici и похожи друг на друга как близнецы. {{:wyse-p20-default.jpg?nolink&200|}} {{:leadtek_vp200p.jpg?nolink&100|}} ==== Преимущества: ==== * Высокая производительность видео, графики; * Настройки времени на клиенте никаким образом не мешают работе на виртуальном месте; * Быстрое начало работы; * Наличие отдельной кнопки на устройстве, позволяющей выключить виртуальную машину; * Наличие 2 портов DVI-I, позволяющее как зеркально отображать информацию, так и поддерживающее технологию мульти-монитора. === Недостатки: === * Отсутствие портов PS/2; * Поддержка лишь протокола PCoIP; * Невозможность подключения Wi-Fi модуля. == Технические характеристики == ^ Параметры сравнения ^ Wyse P20 = Leadtek VP200P ^ | Размеры | 210 x 135.4 x 45.9 мм | | Система управления (WDM или HPDM) | Teradici configuration manager | | Поддержка RDP | Нет | | Поддержка Citrix ICA/HDX | Нет | | Поддержка PCoIP | Да (аппаратно) | | Задняя панель/видео выходы | 2xDVI-I | | Задняя панель/__остальные__ | Ethernet, 2xUSB | | Передняя панель | 2xAudio port, 2xUSB | | Время загрузки | 35 секунд | | Потребляемая мощность | 15.36 Вт | | Встроенные динамики | Нет | | Возможность подключения Wi-Fi модуля | Нет | | Процессор | TERA1100 Portal, MIPS32 | | Наличие ОС | Нет | == Управление нулевыми клиентами на базе Teradici == Для управления Wyse P20 и Leadtek VP200P может использоваться простая в использовании программа управления PCoIP Management Console. Последовательность действий такая: - Установка и подготовка к работе консоли занимает не более 15-20 минут; - Запускается авто обнаружение устройств с чипом Teradici в локальной сети; - Настраиваются один или более профилей устройств; - Создаются группы устройств и назначаются профили этим группам; - Обнаруженные устройства распределяются по группам; - К группам устройств применяются профили. Обнаруженные в локальной сети устройства на базе Teradici. {{:teradici_device_discovery.jpg?nolink&800|Обнаруженные в локальной сети устройства на базе Teradici}} \\ Настройка профиля устройства Teradici. {{:teradici_profile_settings.jpg?nolink&800|Настройка профиля устройства Teradici}} \\ Соответствие групп и профилей устройств. Применение профиля к группе. {{:teradici_groups.jpg?nolink&800|Соответствие групп и профилей устройств. Применение профиля к группе}} Используя Teradici Management Console можно организовать автоматическое развертывание инфраструктуры (Zero Touch Deployment). Центральный офис и филиалы компании могут быть объединены в единую VPN сеть (используя, например, оборудование Cisco ASA). В сети должен функционировать DHCP сервер, для динамического назначения IP адресов нулевым клиентам (по умолчанию они сконфигурированы на получение IP по DHCP). В этом случае любой сотрудник филиала может распаковать новое устройство, полученное от поставщика, подключить питание, монитор, клавиатуру, мышь и кабель ethernet. При этом администратору сети достаточно запустить авто обнаружение устройств, добавить обнаруженное устройство в одну из групп и применить изменения. С точки зрения доступа к виртуальным машинам процесс будет выглядеть так: - Администратор заводит пользователя в AD; - В панели управления View Connection Server добавляет пользователя в тот или иной пул; - Необходимая пользователю машина разворачивается автоматически. Пользователь может приступить к работе уже через несколько минут после того, как нулевые клиенты были доставлены поставщиком и распакованы. == Опции профилей нулевых клиентов == Мы приведем полный перечень опций, которые доступны для создания профиля устройств. Делаем это лишь с одной целью - показать, что количество таких опций значительно. **Network Configuration** | Enable DHCP | True | When this property is true, the Host or Zero Client will contact a DHCP server to be assigned an IP address, subnet mask, gateway IP address and DNS servers. These parameters must to be set manually when this property is false. | | Maximum MTU Size | 1500 bytes | This property allows for configuration of the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) packet size. A smaller MTU may be required in situations such as VPN tunneling because PCoIP packets cannot be fragmented. This property should be set to a value smaller than the network path MTU for the end-to-end connection between the Host and Zero Client. | | Enable SNMP | True | The device's SNMP support is enabled when this value is true. When false the device will not respond to SNMP queries or generate traps. | | SNMP NMS Address | | Host and Zero Client devices can send SNMP traps to an SNMP Network Management System (NMS). This property configures the IP address or Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the SNMP NMS. | | Enable SNMP Cold Start Trap | True | When this property is true the Host or Zero Client sends SNMP cold start traps to the SNMP NMS after the device is powered on or reset. | | Enable SNMP V1 Traps | False | Enable generation of SNMPv1 traps when true. | | Enable SNMP V2c Traps | True | Enable generation of SNMPv2c traps when true. | | Enable Static IP Fallback | False | When this property is true the device will use the fallback IP address, netmask and gateway when DHCP lease acquisition fails after timeout seconds of trying. | | Static Fallback IP Address | | The IP address to use when Static IP Fallback is enabled and DHCP lease acquisition fails. | | Static Fallback Subnet Mask | | The subnet mask to use when Static IP Fallback is enabled and DHCP lease acquisition fails. | | Static Fallback Gateway Address | | The gateway address to use when Static IP Fallback is enabled and DHCP lease acquisition fails. | | Static Fallback Timeout | 1000 s | This is the amount of time the device will attempt to acquire a DHCP lease before using the fallback address configuration. It may take up to 30 seconds longer than this value for the fallback configuration to become active. | **Discovery Configuration** | Enable SLP Discovery | False | When this property is true, the Host or Zero Client can be dynamically discovered by SLP management entities, without requiring prior knowledge of their locations in the network. Using a discovery mechanism can dramatically reduce configuration and maintenance effort for complex systems. This discovery mechanism is independent of DNS SRV discovery. | | PCoIP MC DNS-Based Discovery Prefix | aviamotornaya | This property can be used to direct the device to contact a particular PCoIP MC in environments where there is more than one Management Console in use. There are several restrictions on its operation; please refer to the PCoIP MC User Manual before using this property. | | Enable DNS-SRV Discovery | False | When this property is true, the Host or Zero Client automatically advertise themselves to the PCoIP broker, without requiring prior knowledge of its location in the network. Using a discovery mechanism can dramatically reduce configuration and maintenance effort for complex systems. This discovery mechanism is independent of SLP discovery. This discovery mechanism is the recommended device discovery mechanism. | | DNS-SRV Discovery Delay | 1000 s | This property defines the amount of delay time in seconds between DNS SRV Discovery attempts. DNS SRV Discovery continues periodically until the device is successful in contacting a Connection Management Server. | **Session Configuration** | Session Connection Type | View Connection Server | This setting controls how the PCoIP device initiates and receives PCoIP sessions. | | View Connection Server Address | | In a VMware View environment this property sets the IP address or the FQDN of the View Connection Server. | | Desktop Name to Select | main pool | When the desktop pool list includes a pool with this name then the Zero Client will immediately start a session with that pool. The comparison is case-insenstive. | | View Connection Server Port | 443 | When SSL is used to communicate with the View Connection Server the default port is 443. If SSL communication is not enabled the default port is 80. | | Enable View Connection Server SSL | True | Enables SSL communications with the View Connection Server. | | Enable View Connection Server Auto Connect | True | Setting this property to true causes the Zero Client to automatically connect with the View server after start-up, bypassing the Connect dialog box. | | Connection Server Cache Mode | Read-only | This property configures the Connection Server Cache operating mode. | | Self Help Link Mode | Enabled | Enables and disables the Self Help Link on VMware View user authentication screens. | | Self Help Link Server URI | | Specifies the Self Help Link View Connection Server as a URI. This is the VCS contacted when the user clicks the Self Help Link. | | Self Help Link Username | help | This is the username presented to the Self Help Link VCS when the Self Help Link is clicked. | | Self Help Link Password | Click on Edit Properties to view | This is the password presented to the Self Help Link VCS when the Self Help Link is clicked. | | Self Help Link Domain Name | | This is the domain name presented to the Self Help Link VCS when the Self Help Link is clicked. | | Self Help Link Desktop Pool Name | help link | After authenticating with the Self Help Link VCS the Zero Client will attempt to start a session with this desktop pool name. If the desktop pool is cannot be found in the pool list sent from the VCS to the Zero Client then the session is aborted. | | Self Help Link Link Text | help link | This is the text of the Self Help Link. When the Self Help Link is enabled this text is shown on the VMware View authentication screens as a link button. | | Auto-Launch If Only One Desktop | True | When true the Zero Client will skip the desktop selection dialog when the user is entitled to a single desktop. The session begins immediately after the user is authenticated. | | Enable Login Username Caching | True | When this property is true the Zero Client will cache the username used during the last View login sequence. | | Use OSD Logo for View Banner | True | This property controls which image appears at the top of View login dialogs. When false the standard VMware/PCoIP banner is used. When true the OSD logo banner is used. | | Prefer GSC-IS Over PIV Endpoint | False | This property determines how the Zero Client accesses smart cards that support both the GSC-IS and PIV Endpoint standards. This only affects smart card accesses performed outside of PCoIP sessions. False to access these cards through the PIV Endpoint interface; true to access them through the GSC-IS interface. | | Enable Peer Loss Overlay | False | When this property is false the Zero Client will not display the peer lost overlay that normally appears whenever end-to-end network communications fail. | | Enable AES-128-GCM Encryption | True | Controls whether AES-128-GCM encryption is available to secure a PCoIP session. At least one encryption scheme must be enabled. | | Enable Salsa20-256-Round12 Encryption | False | Controls whether Salsa20-256-Round12 encryption is available to secure a PCoIP session. At least one encryption scheme must be enabled. | | Disconnect Dialog Display Mode | Show All | The setting can be used to filter out some or all of the session disconnect reason dialogs. These are the dialogs shown when a session ends for any reason other than a user-initiated disconnect. | **Bandwidth Configuration** | Device Bandwidth Limit | 5000 kbps | This property defines the maximum bandwidth peak for the Host or Zero Client. This setting on the Host defines the bandwidth from the Host to the Zero Client. This setting on the Zero Client defines the bandwidth from the Zero Client to Host. A setting of 0 configures the PCoIP processor to use the maximum rate available. When applied to devices running firmware older than 3.0, a value other than 0 is rounded to the nearest megabit per second with a minimum value of 1 mbps. | | Device Bandwidth Target | 5000 kbps | This property defines the soft limit on the network bandwidth during periods of congestion (packet loss). When the Host or Zero Client detects network congestion (packet loss), the device bandwidth is rapidly reduced to this value, and more slowly reduced below this point. The intent is to allow for a more even distribution of bandwidth between users sharing a congested network link. When applied to devices running firmware older than 3.0, a value other than 0 is rounded to the nearest megabit per second with a minimum value of 1 mbps. | | Device Bandwidth Floor | 1000 kbps | This property defines the minimum bandwidth during periods of packet loss for the Host or Zero Client. This setting on the Host defines the minimum bandwidth from the Host to the Zero Client. This setting on the Zero Client defines the minimum bandwidth from the Zero Client to Host. A setting of 0 configures the PCoIP processor to push 1 Mbps. When applied to devices running firmware older than 3.0, a value other than 0 is rounded to the nearest megabit per second with a minimum value of 1 mbps. | **Language Configuration** | Language | English | This property configures the language of the OSD. The drop down menu lists the supported languages. | | Keyboard Layout | English (U.S.) ISO-8859-1 | This property configures the keyboard layout. The drop down menu lists the supported keyboards. | **OSD Configuration** | OSD Screensaver Text | Progress-Media | This property configures the OSD screensaver text for devices running firmware older than 3.0. The text can be up to 240 characters long. The screensaver is a simple black screen with the screensaver text jumping randomly. Beginning with firmware 3.0 the screensaver was replaced with monitor sleep and this text is not used. | | OSD Screensaver Timeout | 800 s | This property configures the OSD screensaver/monitor sleep timeout. A setting of 0 seconds disables the screensaver/monitor sleep. | | Hidden Menu Entries | Hide Options -> Configuration Hide Options -> Diagnostics Hide Options -> Information Hide Options -> User Settings Hide Options -> Password Hide the Options menu Hide all menus | This property controls which menu items or entire menus are hidden in the OSD. Hide a single menu item by selecting it. To hide an entire menu select the menu hide checkbox. To hide all of the menus select the hide all menus checkbox. | **Image Configuration** | Minimum Image Quality | Reduced Perception-Free | This property configures the minimum image quality when network bandwidth is limited. Lower values result in higher frame-rates with reduced image quality, while higher values result in higher quality images at reduced frame rates. When network bandwidth is not constrained, the PCoIP system will maintain perception-free image quality regardless of how this property is configured. This property must be set less than or equal to the Maximum Initial Image Quality. When applied in a profile to firmware older than 2.0 the minimum value written is 40. | | Maximum Initial Image Quality | Reduced Perception-Free | This property is used to reduce network bandwidth peaks caused by screen content changes. This setting limits the quality on the first video frame of a screen change. Unchanged regions of the image will build to a lossless state regardless of this setting. Lower values result in reduced network bandwidth peaks and produce lower quality images. Higher values result in higher network bandwidth peaks and higher quality images. This property must be set greater than or equal to the Minimum Image Quality. When applied in a profile to firmware older than 2.0 the minimum value written is 40. | | Image Quality Preference | Smoother Motion Sharper Image | Set the user's image quality preference during a PCoIP session and is a range from 0 to 100 in steps of 5. A preference for smoother motion (value 0) results in a higher frame rate at a lower quality level while a preference for sharper image results in a lower frame rate at a higher quality level. Intermediate values allow for varying degrees of preference. | | Disable Build To Lossless | False | Disable building images to lossless (identical pixel for pixel when compared to the host image source). Build-to-Lossless is a feature which is on by default and included in the PCoIP protocol. By accepting to turn off the Build-to-Lossless imaging feature, you understand and agree that images and desktop content will never be built to a lossless state. Turning off Build-to-Lossless may provide some bandwidth savings for constrained bandwidth network environments. However, turning off Build-to-Lossless is not recommended for environments or use cases that require images and desktop content to be built to a lossless state. Refer to product documentation (administrative and optimization guides) for further information before making any changes to this setting. | | Enable Client Image Settings | True | When enabled this allows the session the option of using the client's advanced image settings. When disabled, the host's image settings always take effect. Only advanced image settings are affected by this attribute. The Image Quality Preference setting is exempt from this rule. | | Maximum Frame Rate | 255 | Sets the end user's maximum frame capture rate during a PCoIP session. Ranging from 0 to 255 it sets the maximum number of frames per second to capture. A value of 0 means the frame rate is dictated by the input frame rate from the GPU to the PCoIP host card. When the maximum frame rate is smaller than the input frame rate from the GPU, the frame rate will be sampled down and limited to the maximum frame rate. Other aspects in the system may cause the frame rate to be reduced, such as available bandwidth. | **Time Configuration** | NTP Server Hostname | | This property identifies the Network Time Protocol (NTP) server the Host or Zero Client will contact to determine the current time. This property can be entered as either an IP address or a Fully Qualified Domain Name. | | NTP Server Port | 123 | This property configures the port number of the NTP server. The default value of this parameter equals 123. | | NTP Query Interval | 86400 s | This property configures how often in seconds the Host or Zero Client will contact the NTP server to update the current time. The default value of this parameter equals 86400, which is equivalent to 24 hours. | | Enable DST | False | When this property is true the Host or Zero Client adjusts the current time based on daylight savings. | | Time Zone Offset | gmt_plus_0300_moscow | This property configures the time zone. | **Security Configuration** | Password | Click on Edit Properties to view | This property configures the Host or Zero Client local administrative password. This password is required to access the web interface. It is also required to modify certain configuration settings accessible through the OSD. The password is a string of zero to 20 characters. | | Enable Password Protection | True | This property enables the Host or Zero Client local administrative password. When it is false, the web interface and OSD are not password protected. | | Enable Web Interface | False | When this property is true the device's embedded web interface is enabled. When it is false the web interface is disabled. | | Enable Hotkey Parameter Reset | False | When enabled a Zero Client can be reset to its factory defaults using the keyboard combination CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+SPACE when the Zero Client is not in a PCoIP session. | | Hide Parameter Reset Hotkey Sequence | False | When this feature is enabled the parameter reset hotkey sequence is not shown on the Zero Client On-Screen Display. | | Enable 802.1X Security | False | When this property is true, if the device is connected to a network where access is controlled using 802.1x authentication the device will perform 802.1x authentication. | | 802.1X Authentication Identity | 8021xuser | This property configures the identity (username) presented during 802.1x authentication. | **Audio Permissions** | Enable HD Audio | True | This property enables and disables audio for the Host and Zero Client. For audio to function, both the Host and Zero Client must set this property equal to true. If this property is false on the Host, the audio hardware will not be available for the OS to enumerate. | | Enable Audio Compression | False | This property enables and disables audio compression. When true, audio is compressed resulting in less network traffic to carry audio data. This results in more bandwidth being available to carry USB and/or imaging data. Beginning with firmware 2.0, the PCoIP processor automatically enables audio compression when network conditions require it and ignores the value of this setting. | | Enable Vista/Windows 7 64-bit Mode | False | This property enables a work around that prevents memory corruption that can occur when audio is enabled on some Host systems. This property must be true on Host PC/Workstations running 64-bit Vista with more than 4 GB of RAM that enable HD audio. This property should be false for all other Host PC/Workstations. | | Enable Audio Line In | True | Selects the input mode the audio system advertises to the host operating system. Please refer to the PCoIP Administrative Guide for important details on this feature. | **Host Driver Configuration** | Enable Host Driver | False | On host cards only, this property controls the host driver function. When enabled, the Teradici PCoIP agent running on the host OS can interact with the host card. The MC supports this feature on devices running firmware 3.1.0 or higher. | **Event Log Control** | Enable Diagnostic Log | True | When this property is true the Host or Zero Client will include connection management specific messages in the device's event log. | | Event Log Filter Mode | terse logging | This property configures the event log filtering mode. | | Syslog Server Hostname | | This property identifies the Syslog server the Host or Zero Client will send event log messages to. This property can be entered as either an IP address or a Fully Qualified Domain Name. | | Syslog Server Port | 514 | This property configures the port number of the Syslog server. The default value of this parameter equals 514. | | Syslog Facility Number | 10 | This property configures the facility number for all Syslog messages generated by the PCoIP device. | | Enhanced Logging Mode Mask | Networking | Controls which enhanced logging mode, if any, is enabled. Only one enhanced logging mode can be enabled at a time. | **Peripheral Configuration** | Enable USB EHCI | True | Controls the USB Enhanced Host Controller Interface (EHCI) mode. EHCI is commonly referred to as USB 2.0. Enabling EHCI turns on USB 2.0 support for selected devices. | **IPv6 Configuration** | Enable IPv6 | False | This property determines if the endpoint uses IPv6. IPv6 is not enabled by default. | | IPv6 Domain Name | | This property configures the IPv6 domain name. If DHCPv6 is enabled, this is the value returned by DHCPv6 otherwise it is the static setting. | | Enable DHCPv6 | False | This property determines if the endpoint uses DHCPv6 to obtain IPv6 addresses (stored in IPv6 DHCP Address 1-4). DHCPv6 is enabled by default. | | Enable SLAAC | False | This property determines if the endpoint uses SLAAC (IPv6) to obtain IPv6 addresses (stored in iIPv6 SLAAC Address 1-4). SLAAC is enabled by default. | **Profile OSD Logo** | grey-256x64.bmp | Preview | Delete | **Profile Firmware** | Set Firmware | **Profile Zero Client USB Authorization** | Do not erase the device's existing USB authorizations\\ Erase the device's existing USB authorizations and replace them with an empty set | | | Add New || **Profile Zero Client USB Unauthorization** | Do not erase the device's existing USB unauthorizations\\ Erase the device's existing USB unauthorizations and replace them with an empty set | | | Add New || **Profile Zero Client USB Bridged** | Do not erase the device's existing USB bridged settings\\ Erase the device's existing USB bridged settings and replace them with an empty set | | | Add New || **Certificate Store** | Do not erase the device's existing certificates\\ Erase the device's existing Certificates and replace them with an empty set | | | | Add New ||| == Видео-тесты == Оригинальное видео дано для сравнения: что Вы видите на своем ПК (если, конечно, у Вас не тонкий/нулевой клиент) и то, как мы видели это видео с помощью нулевых клиентов на экране 23" и разрешением экрана 1920x1080. == Оригинальное видео == {{youtube>0Zky3OWH6Og?medium}} == Тест видео у Wyse P20 == {{youtube>g_UWle6GdL4?medium}} == Тест видео у Leadtek VP200 P == {{youtube>6TbhTiW7kIo?medium}} \\ <WRAP right 45% right> \\ <WRAP clear> </WRAP> **Конфигуратор VMware vSphere**\\ * [[|Конфигуратор VMware]] **Виртуализация серверов**\\ * [[:vmware-vsphere-5-licensing|VMware vSphere]] * [[:vmware-vsphere-8-licensing]] * [[|VMware]] * [[:vmware-vdi|VMware VDI]] * [[:vmware-horizon-8-licensing|VMware Horizon]] * [[:vmware-vsan|VMware vSAN]] * [[:vmware-workspace-one|Лицензирование VMware Workspace ONE]] * [[:vmware-vsphere-academic-licensing|VMware для учебных заведений]] * [[:veeam-universal-license|Veeam Backup]] * [[:limitation-esxi-7|VMware ESXI]] * [[:vmware-view-report|VDI]] * [[:esx-esxi-comparison|ESXI]] * [[:vmware-virtual-machine|Виртуальная машина VMware]] * [[:vmware-nsx-data-center|VMware NSX]] * [[:vmware-vcloud-director-demo|vCloud]] * [[:vmware-veeam-price-list|Veeam]] * [[:esxi-6.7|ESXI 6.7]] * [[:esxi-6.5|ESXI 6.5]] * [[:vmware-tools-vsphere|VMware Tools]] * [[:vmware-vrealize-suite-licensing-buy|vRealize]] * [[:esx-esxi-veeam|Veeam Backup Replication]] **Продление поддержки/подписки VMware Support**\\ *[[:vmware-vsphere-support-najti-vmware-order-id|Инструкция VMware Support]]\\ *[[:vmware-support-licensing|Техническая поддержка VMware]]\\ \\ </WRAP> **Купить VMware** * [[:buy_vmware]] - Информация о возможностях покупки лицензии VMware. * [[:buy_order_vmware_virtualization_license|Пример заказа VMware]] **Прайс-Лист** {{topic>price-list}} **Сравнение редакций** {{topic>comparison}} **Backup для Виртуализации VMware** {{topic>Backup}} \\ {{:vmw_09q3_lgo_vtsp_k.jpg?nolink&150|vtsp}} {{:vcp.gif?nolink&150|vcp}} {{::veeam_logo_2017_green-500.png?nolink&150|veeam}} {{:11uni.png?nolink&100|Progress-Media}} \\ {{:vg_logo-rgb-m.jpg?nolink&50|V-GRADE}} \\ {{tag>vsphere vmware 6.7 zero_client}} zero-client-wyse-leadtek.txt Last modified: 2023/11/20 14:09by